Charge of the Committee

Updated September 27, 2022

Based on the recommendation of the 1928 Building Committee, the Town Council is eliminating Option 2 from the May 10, 2022 charge and recharging the committee with the following.

To evaluate and make recommendations to Town Council on the following:

 1. Silver Petrucelli + Associates will complete a conceptual design and preliminary pricing for the renovation of 1928 building as a standalone building, which shall include the current band room, as well as potential additions to the building that the committee deems necessary.

 2. The Town Council understands that the Committee needs a level of flexibility to make modifications during the design process and the Town Council Liaison will keep the Town Council informed throughout the process. The Committee will also work in partnership with the Farmington High School Building Committee when designing the overall site plan.

 3. The Committee shall present the conceptual design and preliminary pricing to the Town Council for consideration by January 2023. The Town Council will review financial information, including but not limited to the impact of the option on the long-term financial forecast, anticipated debt schedule, and projected tax impact to determine a net municipal cost and total project budget. It will also determine if ARPA funds should be used for this project.

 4. Upon determining a net municipal cost and total project budget, the Town Council shall re-charge the committee to complete schematic drawings and project cost estimates to bring the project to referendum in the per section 53 of the Town Code. It is anticipated that the referendum will be held in conjunction with the Town budget in the Spring of 2023.